Net Wt. 1 oz (Approx. 120 to 130 seeds)
All-American Selections Winner, 1984 This variety is the first dwarf snap pea developed and is 10 days earlier than Sugar Snap but produces the same deliciously flavored pods. The compact 24 to 30 inch, open pollinated plants do not require support and produce sweet, succulent, round, 2 ½ to 3 inch pods that mature 7 peas each. Resistant to powdery mildew. The pods are delicious served fresh with a dip or as a steamed vegetable, used in stir fries or may be shelled so the peas can be used in traditional dishes. The pods freeze well. Snap peas, like old-fashioned green string beans, have a string running down the pod seam, which must be removed before eating. Very productive. Midseason.