4g (Approx. 380 to 390 seeds)
An open pollinated, heirloom variety introduced in 1925. Not as long standing as some of the newer hybrid smooth leaved varieties but the best open pollinated and one of the best savoyed leaved varieties tested in Alaska. An early, quick growing, cold resistant variety with large, heavily crinkled leaves that grow erect keeping them clean because they are up off the ground. The savoyed leaves are dark glossy green, sweet, fleshy and very tender with a rich flavor, making it by far the most popular open pollinated spinach variety. Spinach is a cool weather crop and withstands the cold but bolts quickly in Alaska when the days get longer in late spring so spinach must be planted as soon as the garden can be prepared in spring for a successful crop. The plants of this variety are slow bolting will hold 3 to 5 days after they are mature before they start forming a seed stalk. Start harvesting spinach when the leaves are baby leaves. Also may be planted in mid July for a late season crop. Spinach is a very nutritious vegetable. Excellent fresh, canned or frozen. Early.