Net Wt. 2g (approx. 160 to 170 seeds)
Organic seed for a hybrid spinach that shows bolt resistance that compares with the best spinach varieties tested in Alaska when trialed at Georgeson Botanical Garden in Fairbanks, Alaska. A very early variety that provides consistent, high-quality harvests of succulent smooth, fleshy, dark green oval leaves that have a super-sweet flavor and are never prone to bitterness or cracking. The compact, 8 to 10 inch plants are high yielding and have good disease resistance. Spinach bolts quickly in Alaska when the days get longer so it must be planted as soon as the garden can be prepared in spring for a successful crop. Ideal for salads, cooked greens and a souffle, a very popular variety for fresh use and freezes and cans well. Spinach is a very nutritious vegetable that is high in iron. Resistant to downy mildew races 1-7 and cucumber mosaic virus.