Net Wt. 175 mg. (Approx. 25 to 30 seeds)
The earliest and most cold tolerant bell pepper tested in Alaska. A hybrid that commonly produces amazing yields of medium sized, 3 to 4 lobed bell peppers where gardeners have had little success growing peppers before. New Ace is a vigorous grower and sets a steady stream of fruit even during cool nights. It has apparent resistance to blossom drop even in adverse weather. Nearly every flower produces a pepper and the glossy green fruits turn red early. Fruits do not sunburn easily so it is ideal for home greenhouse production. Grows great in non-heated greenhouses, cold frames. tunnels and will mature fruit outdoors in the warmer interior areas of Alaska. Even in the warmer areas it is recommended that a soil warming technique or tunnels be used to assure maximum production. Seed must be started indoors in a heated area, peppers germinate very slowly in cold soils. A variety tested in Alaska by the University of Alaska Cooperative Extension.