Net Wt. 1 oz (Approx. 170 to 180 seeds)
This open pollinated variety earned its name because it is fast-maturing and cold-hardy. The vigorous, wilt resistant, 28 inch vines yield heavy crops of 3.5 to 4 inch blunt double pods that each contain 7 to 8 uniform, dark green, medium sized peas of excellent quality and sweetness. The double pods are concentrated near the top of the plant for easy picking. Peas are best just before the pods are completely filled and one of the easiest peas to shell. Holds its quality for a long time after the peas are picked. A good shelling pea for fresh use, freezing and fresh market that is adapted to a wide range of growing conditions. A great variety for areas that have a short growing season and cold spring weather. A good home garden variety proven to be very early in Alaska. A variety tested in Alaska by the University of Alaska Cooperative Extension.